PFS Transport provides custom-designed engineering solutions crafted and installed in-house, ensuring excellent quality and rapid turnaround. We specialise in working with OEM’s to deliver equipment that is safe, durable, reliable, and functional. You can rely on PFS to provide equipment that helps you keep the industry moving and supports the high standards you set for customers.
Throughout the design phase, we work closely with every client to understand the exact requirements for your transport needs. We design for safety and durability, first. Our in-house design capability includes stress testing with Finite Element Analysis.
We know operational reliability is paramount to your success in the transport industry. Our highly skilled team builds durable, reliable and functional equipment for transport so you can keep your customers operational.
We know that every hour your machine is in the workshop means lost productivity. During our design phase, we consider accessibility for mechanics and maintenance staff so engines and serviceable componentry are easy to access for repairs, minimising machine downtime.